Sorry, too late for Christmas.

Photo Guidelines

Upload Your Photos

The best way to get photos to us is to login and upload them directly to your order. It's fast, the photos are immediately attached to your order, and there's no cost.

Review Photo Guidelines below:

  1. The artist will draw off of 1 photo. If you upload more than one to explain specific details, coloring, etc, please keep them to a minimum to not confuse the artist. Be sure to label the photos appropriately (ie, you may have a primary photo labelled "main reference" and a secondary photo labelled "entry details"). If multiple photos are uploaded without clear explanation, this could add time on to your original proof date.
  2. Acceptable file types to send are: .jpg, .pdf, .png, .gif, .psd, .tif, 
  3. If photos are received more than 1 business day after your order is placed, we will need to re-calculate your Proof date.
  4. If your artwork or photos have more than one person, please clearly indicate who is who.

Do Not Email Photos

  1. Do not email photos because they can delay your order and add costs.
  2. In rare cases, we will accept emailed photos and upload them for you at $3 per photo.

Photo Guidelines

Quality photos are very important. The better the original photo, the better the resulting artwork will be. 

  • Large and clear are better.
  • For portraits, clearly show the shape of the face and definition of the features.  Eyes, eyelids, nose, and mouth definition should be clear.
  • See the examples below (click on photo to see large image)

Good Photo

Good Photo - Clear, large photo.

Bad Photo

Bad Photo - The same photo but blurred (may be an old/small photo scanned at a high-resolution).

Good Photo 2

Good photo - Close up, high-resolution and can clearly see subjects features.

Bad Photo 2

Bad Photo - Large high-resolution photo, but since full body, faces are far away and therefore small and difficult to draw.


Bigger & clear pictures are better - for portraits, the face / head should be large, with clearly visible features.